Postdoc position in aerosol and cloud remote sensing

Postdoc position in aerosol and cloud remote sensing

Published Deadline Location
21 Nov 29 Feb Leiden

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Are you the ambitious post-doctoral scientist with enthusiasm for climate research that will improve satellite observations, enabling a better understanding and quantification of climate change?

Job description

Your work at SRON will enable a better remote sensing of aerosol and cloud properties using advanced satellite observations. NASA’s PACE mission (launch January 2024), with onboard the SPEXone instrument, and ESA’s EarthCARE mission (launch summer 2024) will play an important role. SPEXone is a multi-angle polarimeter being developed by a Dutch consortium consisting of SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON) and Airbus Defence and Space Netherlands (Airbus DS NL). The scientific lead is in the hands of SRON.

Your position and team

You will be part of the aerosol-cloud research line in the Earth Science Group (ESG) of SRON. The ESG consists of approximately 35 scientists (permanent, postdocs, PhD students) working on the data processing and interpretation of satellite instruments as well as the definition of new instrumentation and guiding the development. About 8-10 scientists work in the aerosol-cloud research line on retrieval algorithm development, data assimilation, and quantification of aerosol radiative forcing from satellites.

Your project

The magnitude of the effect of aerosol-cloud interactions on the Earth energy budget is very uncertain, which means that the warming by Greenhouse gases is masked by an unknown amount of cooling due to aerosol-cloud interactions. To quantify the magnitude of this cooling effect, climate model simulations need to be better constrained with novel satellite observations of aerosols and clouds. This project aims to further improve and validate planned observations from multi-angle polarimeters, lidar and multi-spectral imagers on NASA’s PACE and ESA’s EarthCARE missions. We are looking for a scientist to work on the development and validation of improved methods to infer aerosol and cloud properties and to evaluate the impact of these improvements on quantification of climate effects of aerosol-cloud interactions.  The candidate will work within the ESA project AIRSENSE with 7 other partners across Europe.




We are looking for a person with a PhD in (atmospheric) physics or similar with experience in satellite remote sensing. Strong programming skills (preferably Fortran and Python), experience with aerosol and/or cloud remote sensing and knowledge on aerosol-cloud interactions would be a clear asset. Good English language skills (speaking and writing) and the ability to both work in a team and independently are a absolutely required.

Conditions of employment

The position we offer at SRON is a full-time position in which you will be employed by NWO-I

(The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research Institutes) for a period of 2 years with the possibility of extension to 4 years total. The salary will be in accordance with NWO salary scale 10 with a maximum of € 5.141,– gross per month on a full-time basis (depending on your level of education and experience). Compensation for commuting expenses will be provided.

NWO has good secondary employment conditions such as:

  • An end of year bonus of 8,33% of the gross yearly salary;
  • A holiday allowance of 8% of the gross yearly salary;
  • 42 days of vacation leave a year on full-time basis;
  • An excellent pension scheme;
  • Options for (additional) personal development;
  • Excellent facilities for parental leave;
  • Ample training opportunities;
  • Possibility of flexible working hours;


SRON institute for space research

SRON's mission is to achieve breakthroughs in international scientific research from space. To this end, SRON develops groundbreaking technology and advanced space instruments. SRON promotes societal applications for space technology. We have a strong international reputation as 'excellent in space research'. The quality and societal relevance of our science is considered ‘world-leading’.

We have a strong international reputation as 'excellent in space research'. The quality and societal relevance of our science is considered ‘world-leading’. Our mission is to bring about breakthroughs in international space science.

Therefore our Instrument Science Group, supported on project basis by the Engineering Group, technologically enables breakthroughs in our science programmes:

Technology, Astrophysics, Earth science (atmospheric science), Exoplanetary science.


  • Postdoc
  • Doctorate
  • 2123


Niels Bohrweg 4, 2333 CA, Leiden

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