PhD position: Cancer cell biology

PhD position: Cancer cell biology

Published Deadline Location
1 Jun 29 Jun Utrecht

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Are you eager to understand molecular mechanisms of cancer drug resistance? Are you excited about single cell analysis? Then this PhD position could fit you!

Job description

Are you interested in fundamentally understanding the molecular mechanisms that allow cancer cells to persist despite therapy? Are you excited to become an expert in single cell analysis? Then this PhD position might be a great match for you!

We offer a PhD position in a project that is funded by the Dutch Cancer Foundation (KWF). This project is aimed at better understanding how some cancer cells manage to escape chemotherapy treatment, focusing on patients with metastatic ovarian cancer.

Your job
In this project, you will dissect heterogeneous tumor cell behavior using state-of-the-art imaging techniques, in vitro models, and patient biopsies. You will combine two experimental approaches to quantify cancer drug responses:
  1. You will use mass cytometry imaging to measure how much of the chemotherapeutic drugs are reaching individual cancer cells, and how these cells are responding in ovarian cancer biopsies and in vitro models.
  2. You will engineer cancer cell lines to express fluorescent reporters, and develop automated data analysis workflows to track heterogenous drug responses and cell cycle fates over time.


Utrecht University


You are interested in cell biology and have a learning and exploring attitude. You are keen to develop yourself personally and professionally. You put your good collaboration and communication skills to good use. Specifically, you:
  • have (or are close to completing) a Master’s degree in Biomedical Sciences, Molecular & Cellular Biology or a closely related field;
  • demonstrate experience with 2D/3D mammalian cell culturing and with molecular cloning;
  • have experience with image analysis (preferably cell segmentation and cell tracking).

Conditions of employment

We offer
  • a position for four years in an international working environment.
  • a working week of 36 hours and a gross monthly salary ranging from €2,770 in the first year to €3,539 in the fourth year in the case of full-time employment (salary scale P under the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities (CAO NU);
  • 8% holiday pay and 8.3% year-end bonus;
  • a pension scheme, partially paid parental leave and flexible terms of employment based on the CAO NU.

In addition to the employment conditions from the CAO for Dutch Universities, Utrecht University has a number of its own arrangements. These include agreements on professional development, leave arrangements, sports and cultural schemes and you get discounts on software and other IT products. We also give you the opportunity to expand your terms of employment through the Employment Conditions Selection Model. This is how we encourage you to grow. For more information, please visit working at Utrecht University.


Universiteit Utrecht

A better future for everyone. This ambition motivates our scientists in executing their leading research and inspiring teaching. At Utrecht University, the various disciplines collaborate intensively towards major strategic themes. Our focus is on Dynamics of Youth, Institutions for Open Societies, Life Sciences and Pathways to Sustainability. Sharing science, shaping tomorrow.

At the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine we train the veterinarians and researchers of the future, provide care for animals and conduct leading and societal relevant research. That is what we are good at. We see that the health and welfare of animals, humans and the environment are interconnected. By sharing our knowledge and working together, we make positive impact, both nationally and internationally. Our 1,500 students and 950 staff members inspire and strengthen each other. Our engagement connects us. The drive to, from an integral perspective, make the world a better place.

This PhD position is hosted at the division of Cell biology, Metabolism & Cancer of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The research group is part of the Regenerative Medicine Center Utrecht, and is located in the Hubrecht Institute. You will work in a very lively and inspiring research environment surrounded by outstanding research labs. You will have access to state-of-the-art research facilities including single cell analysis, imaging, and biobanks with patient materials.

The project is a close collaboration with researchers and clinicians from The Netherlands Cancer Institute and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. As a team, we prioritise effective collaboration, ongoing feedback, and both professional and personal development. At Utrecht University there are plenty of opportunities to facilitate your development.


  • Technical and laboratory; PhD; Research, development, innovation
  • Health
  • max. 36 hours per week
  • €2770—€3539 per month
  • University graduate
  • 3968



Heidelberglaan 8, 3584CS, Utrecht

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