Set up in 2001, Stichting HIV Monitoring (SHM) contributes to improving the quality of HIV medical care in the Netherlands. SHM works together with the 27 HIV treatment centres in the Netherlands to collect high-quality, anonymised data from around 18,000 patients under medical care. Based on analyses of these nationwide data, SHM publishes an annual monitoring report that summarises essential findings regarding the course of the infection in adults and children, the efficacy of antiretroviral treatment and associated side effects, non-infectious co-morbidity and co-infection with viral hepatitis B and C. These annual reports form an important benchmark for the quality of HIV care in the Netherlands. Furthermore, through participation in international studies, SHM also makes an important contribution to the knowledge about the course of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and the impact of treatment in Europe and the rest of the world.
SHM has 45 employees who work in four different units, namely the finance and administration unit, the communications unit, the data management and data monitoring unit, and the data processing and analysis unit. For the data processing and analysis unit, we are looking to recruit a medical doctor with epidemiology training and experience or a clinical epidemiologist.
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