Von Karman Institute For Fluid Dynamics

Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics

“The von Karman Institute (VKI) is globally recognized as one of the key research centers in Fluid Dynamics. Combining both education and research, the Institute occupies a unique place in-between the academic- and the industrial world.

A non-profit international organisation, providing post-graduate education in fluid dynamics and encouraging "training in research through research". Research on experimental, computational and theoretical aspects of the fluid dynamics is carried out under the direction of the faculty & research engineers, and sponsored by governmental and international agencies (eg ESA, the European Commission), as well as industries (space and aeronautic sector).

The VKI consists of a group of 200 highly motivated and driven researchers, technicians, students and support staff. It is hosting three departments: aeronautics & aerospace, environmental & applied fluid dynamics and turbomachinery & propulsion.”


Chaussée de Waterloo 72, 1640, Rhode-Saint-Genèse

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