PhD Position in Marine Palynology
We’re looking for a PhD candidate to generate proxy data reflecting surface ocean changes, and to simulate iceberg flow paths in numerical ocean models.
In an academic career, a position as professor is often the ultimate goal. This senior position allows you to combine various responsibilities, conducting independent research, teaching, and supervising research and PhD candidates.
Before becoming a full professor at a university, you will need to gain ample experience as an assistant and associate professor.
At Dutch universities of applied sciences, the position known as 'lector' in Dutch also refers to a professorship. Where professors at research universities may conduct fundamental academic research, professors at universities of applied sciences conduct practice-related research with applications in the business world or elsewhere in society.
View all the positions for assistant, associate and full professors below.
We’re looking for a PhD candidate to generate proxy data reflecting surface ocean changes, and to simulate iceberg flow paths in numerical ocean models.
Je team De ondersteunende eenheid Onderwijs en Studentenzaken (ESA) is het centrale punt aan de TU/e waar studenten en medewerkers diverse diensten op het gebied van onderwijs ontvangen. Het ESA-team is verantwoordelijk voor de ondersteuning van all…
Impact maken op de verbinding tussen onderzoek, onderwijs en beroepspraktijk. Dát maakt jouw werk als lector van betekenis. Welkom bij Avans. Breda,Den Bosch 0,6 fte € 7.006 - € 9.046 Reageren tot en met 2 maart 2025 Mooi werk Maatschappelijke conte…
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Tilburg University | Tilburg Law School is looking for a Lecturer in law and technology (0.8 - 1.0 FTE) for the Department Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society, location Tilburg. Contract duration: 3 – 6 years.
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We are looking for two enthusiastic locums to join our equine reproduction team at Utrecht University starting 1 April to 31 August 2025.